Smartsheet Mastery:
Elevating Project Management to New Heights

Cadre Consulting partnered with a client who found itself grappling with an organic, albeit fragmented, distribution of Project Managers across various departments. This scenario emerged not from a strategic decision but rather from a historical oversight in centralizing project management under a unified leadership. Positioned within the Strategy group, these Project Managers were responsible for spearheading significant internal initiatives without the benefit of a formalized Project Management Office (PMO structure).

Smartsheet Integration & Optimization

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The decentralized nature of project management led to two primary challenges: inconsistent nomenclature across projects and inefficiencies in the utilization of Smartsheet. This inconsistency in language and methodology led to confusion among team members, while the suboptimal use of Smartsheet resulted in time-consuming data mining efforts, significantly hindering project progression and strategic initiative execution.


Cadre Consulting adopted a straightforward yet multifaceted strategy to address these challenges. We initiated our efforts by aligning project management language across the organization through meetings and iterations that considered the client’s unique culture. Subsequently, we revamped the Smartsheet platform for each Project Manager, integrating new reporting tools, workflow automation, and Smartsheet Forms to enhance operational efficiency. Comprehensive dashboards were also developed to provide Project Managers with unparalleled visibility into project progress and bottlenecks.

Strategy and Solution

The implementation of these strategies led to immediate improvements in productivity and streamlined workflows, with team members now able to efficiently locate and update tasks. The establishment of a unified project management language facilitated clearer communication with executive leadership, and the enhanced Smartsheet platform provided critical insights into project progress, enabling proactive management.

Impact and Results

“Brian and the Cadre team tackled a complex project aimed at streamlining processes for multiple internal initiatives. Their positive attitude was infectious, creating a collaborative environment that propelled the project forward with enthusiasm. Not only did they consistently meet deadlines, but they also went above and beyond, leveraging their expertise to deliver innovative solutions that have significantly improved our operational efficiency.”

- Corporate Strategy and Transformation Leadership

Client Testimonial

Going Forward

Our client received the initiatives with universal acclaim, marking a significant step towards achieving operational excellence and building confidence in streamlined processes accompanied with Smartsheet.

Cadre Consulting is dedicated to empowering firms to navigate complex challenges and harness strategic growth. Let us bring clarity and direction to your initiatives and drive your business towards unparalleled success.

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